Opening Churches to Gypsies, Roma and Traveller Peoples

Opening our churches to everybody.


Helping Gypsies, Roma and Travellers to find welcome, support, mutual hospitality and learning in Churches

  • Sharing fellowship
  • Learning and celebrating each others’ stories
  • Enriching faith and worship
  • Mutual practical help and care
In addition, churches may help nomadic Gypsies and Travellers by:
  • Simple help and hospitality
  • Creating more welcoming environments
  • Offering safe short-term stopping places to allow legal stop over, which reduces need for unauthorised encampments in hostile places.
  • Contributing to community cohesion through increased mutual understanding.

What Are Gypsy Roma and Traveller Friendly Churches?

The vision of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Friendly Churches is to support churches to include Gypsies, Roma and Traveller people in the regular life of the church.

Why Are They Needed?

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people have always been discriminated against but current events have made your help even more essential.


Here you will find information to understand key issues.

In the news

Albanian Workshops and Culture Create Valuable Connections

What an amazing time we had at Roma Networks 4th International Conference! Ivy Manning, David Blowers, Paul Sayers, Nicky Chater and two of our young people, Michael and Pashey Manning, travelled 9 to 12 April 2024 to Albania.

Read More about Albanian Workshops and Culture Create Valuable Connections

Launch of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Friendly Churches Friday 9th of June 2023 Good Shepherd Church Poole

Kushti Bok was honoured to welcome the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby to meet up with local Gypsies and Travellers at the Church the Good Shepherd in Poole, on Friday 9th June 2023, to launch the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Friendly Churches intiative.

Read More about Launch of Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Friendly Churches Friday 9th of June 2023 Good Shepherd Church Poole

Up and Coming – Friday 16th June

Join Dr Steven Horne, author of Gypsies and Jesus: A Traveller Theology* and the Durham Diocesan Gypsy, Roma and Traveller  Chaplain Revd Nicky Chater for an in-person event.

Read More about Up and Coming – Friday 16th June