Biblical reflections, meditations and art about Gypsy, Romany and Traveller communities.

Brief Encounter
In this article the writer reflects on his brief encounter with an unknown woman, who he learned later was violently killed.
Racial Justice Sunday Dr Steven Horne Feb. 2024
Racial Justice Sunday celebrates the pursuit of justice in the light of Christian faith. Archbishop Welby emphasizes that God’s glory shines through the fight for justice, exemplified by Rosa Parks’ act of defiance.
The event highlights the importance of racial justice, acknowledging potential challenges and rejections. The text emphasizes the need to listen to diverse voices and take action to build a more just society, reflecting God’s kingdom.
God’s Kaleidoscope
International and Ecumenical Conference On Racial Justice. Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, November 8-11, 2023. This conference had high ambitions and a packed programme. Just two of its many stated purposes were ‘To address the reality of racial injustice-visible and hidden-that is still to be found in the life of the church, among faith communities, and … Read more
Visit to Montgomery, Alabama, 24th-27th July 2023.
The Racial Justice Unit of the Church of England (RJU) were delighted to be invited to send a delegation to the conference of the Union of Black Episcopalians, (UBE), held in Montgomery, Alabama, the city that gave rise to the civil rights movement, in the 60th anniversary year of Dr Martin Luther King Jr’s delivery … Read more
History of Churches Network for Gypsy, Traveller, and Roma
The story of how Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Friendly Churches has come about is a living example of what Saint Paul meant when he wrote those words. Rev. Martin Burrell gives a brief account of our history.
The Delights of St Mary’s
I was delighted to be invited by Bishop John Pritchard to speak at the Cafe Church Service in St Mary’s Church, Richmond. It’s a beautiful old church in a lovely setting, and where Bishop John, now retired, often offers ministry.
At the River Jordan….
Preparing to renew my baptism vows in the River Jordan I passed a tiled plaque reminding people of the story of Jesus’ baptism as written in the book of Mark, Chapter 1 and verses 9-11. It started me thinking and I found myself wondering why Jesus had decided he should be baptised. After all, part of baptism is about wanting to express that we are sorry for the way we have lived which has hurt our own lives, the lives of others, or the wonderful world we live in. What had Jesus ever done to cause any hurt?
Why Should Christians Care About Gypsy, Romany and Traveller Communities?
If GRT people are in need of somewhere to stay on their travels then this gives settled Christians a chance to live out the Gospel by responding in love and generosity, much in the same way as Jesus, Mary and Joseph treated the shepherds, and as God treats us.