St John’s Church is actively fostering inclusivity by welcoming Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller communities. Through initiatives like hosting the play “Crystals Vardo” and inviting community members to speak at events, they’re breaking down misunderstandings. Charitable donations and school engagement further demonstrate their commitment to promoting understanding and building stronger community relations.
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Join Dr Steven Horne, author of Gypsies and Jesus: A Traveller Theology* and the Durham Diocesan Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Chaplain Revd Nicky Chater for an in-person event.
Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Friendly Churches were invited to attend and share our vision of friendly churches and why these churches are needed at the inaugural networking meeting in Liverpool. Guy Hewitt, Racial Justice Director said: ‘The racial justice team in the Church of England is committed to working with and supporting the Gypsy, Roma … Read more
Through powerful and compelling theatre, Crystal’s Vardo weaves the histories and cultures of the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities into one story. The aim of the play is to raise awareness of the persecution of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities through the centuries and to reflect on the ways this manifests as anti-Gypsyism today. Click … Read more